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Scientists discover two new fish species in Philippines


|2022-02-24T12:10:33-05:00February 25th, 2022|

Gobi are small, carnivorous fish that are common to tropic locales. There are more than 2,200 species of them throughout the world.

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Climate Depot debunks hype linking Philippines typhoon to warming & COP 19


|2013-11-10T18:45:56-05:00November 10th, 2013|

Climate campaigners are claiming (with no real-world basis) that typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, which just struck the Philippines and China is the result of global warming. In short, they blame this storm on you for living in an industrialized, free society. CFACT and Climate Depot debunk the hype.

The misdirected tears of the Philippines


|2012-12-07T23:38:14-05:00December 7th, 2012|

This week Naderev M. Sano of the Phillipines delegation made a tear-filled speech to COP 18 in Doha, Qatar. In contrast to the delegates wrangling for national advantage, the shameless rent-seeking of the carbon profiteers and the left-wing agendas of the radical NGOs, Mr. Sano projected a refreshing sincerity. Sadly, he is sincerely wrong.

Microreactor designs fit for a Green future


|2024-03-07T08:33:09-05:00March 8th, 2024|

You can’t significantly reduce carbon emissions (if that's your thing) without nuclear power.

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The climate war is over: China won


|2023-10-11T09:35:36-04:00October 10th, 2023|

Yet China’s massive victory, punctuated by its commitment to coal for its own economy and to controlling the market for almost all the components for renewable energy deployment, may well be pyrrhic, as its economy teeters on collapse.

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Climate child labor- Who cares?


|2023-02-28T16:36:52-05:00March 3rd, 2023|

Wealthy countries mandating green electricity encourage humanity atrocities in developing countries.

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Tasmanian mega wind farm approved that can’t operate half the year


|2022-12-09T11:34:10-05:00December 13th, 2022|

When does it make sense to build 122 giant industrial turbines that can’t operate for nearly half a year?

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Vietnam’s U-Turn on coal reflects inevitable energy reality


|2022-10-24T16:07:37-04:00October 23rd, 2022|

If projected growth rates are to become reality, Vietnam would need to continue using fossil fuels without restrictions.

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It’s time for transparency of the embedded costs of going “green”


|2022-04-08T20:31:35-04:00April 12th, 2022|

Supplies to support “green” inflict environmental degradation, humanity atrocities, and increases in emissions, not transparent to the green movement.

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China laughs as the “woke” West self-implodes


|2022-01-04T12:39:13-05:00January 6th, 2022|

As China builds more and more coal-fired power plants, consolidates its stranglehold on rare-earth metals vital for 21st century economies, and extends its influence into America’s backyard, “woke” Westerners are marching like lemmings toward the energy poverty cliff.

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