Net Zero? Never Mind!
A small agency in the Energy Department admits the administration can’t reach its climate-change goals.
A small agency in the Energy Department admits the administration can’t reach its climate-change goals.
Although today’s Court holding is technically limited to vaporizing the Clean Power Plan, it’s hard to see how any EPA regulation of greenhouse gases is legal since Congress never authorized such regulation.
Bad weather often has tragic consequences. It is both appalling and revealing that the struggling climate activist movement keeps trying to exploit it.
Despite being called an “infrastructure” bill, only about $110 billion (11%) is new spending for traditional infrastructure projects like roads and bridges.
The Environmental Protection Agency thought it could get away with secretly whitewashing its program of illegal human experimentation. But you know what they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men.
EPA claims that fine particulate matter at levels above 12 micrograms per cubic meter kills people within hours and causes a quarter of all U.S. deaths, but during a recent episode in China when fine PM levels were 89 times higher than the EPA standard, the only deaths attributed to the episode were from traffic accidents due to poor visibility. EPA is using this fraud to shut down coal power plants, creating higher energy costs that really do cause premature deaths among America's poor.